Founded in 1994, INRS specializes in assisting business, non-profit and government clients in resolving today’s complex natural resource management and business challenges. Company president Charles A. Levesque and vice-president Eric W. Kingsley bring over 60 years of extensive experience, energy and creativity to this important work.
We are ready to assist you in any project or problem. Our multiple talents and skills, along with a highly-skilled subcontractor base, can work to help you find solutions or answers to any challenge.
INRS believes human use and protection of natural resources are compatible. We believe that strong economic growth need not be sacrificed for the sake of environmental quality. We strive to assist our clients in meeting natural resource challenges while also ensuring a healthy free market economy predicated on recognition of individual rights and responsibilities.
Charles A. Levesque, President
Mr. Levesque’s professional career has ranged from serving as the CEO of several natural resources related non-profits including the Northern Forest Lands Council, administering the urban forestry program for a metropolitan area, to working as a consulting forester and on a national forest. He is a Certified ISO 14001 Lead Auditor, NH Licensed Professional Forester (#281), Society of American Forester Certified Forester and Certified Forest Auditor, and RABQSA Certified Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor.
Special skills and expertise:
- Environmental auditing
- Working with diverse groups of people
- Leadership
- Public speaking/writing - public relations
- Innovative public involvement strategies
- Fundraising, budgeting & expense control
- Facilitating group process to reach consensus
- Research & advocacy
View Mr. Levesque’s Resume (pdf)
Eric W. Kingsley, Vice President
Mr. Kingsley has a diverse professional background. He has been the Executive Director for a 1500 member forestry trade association, has represented organizations in both lobbying, legislative and development capacities, and has supported state and federal agencies with disaster relief funding for the forest industry. Mr. Kingsley is a recognized expert on renewable energy development and forest products manufacturing. In addition, Mr. Kingsley has provided testimony on forestry and forest manufacturing issues to both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
Special skills and expertise:
- Market research and studies
- Renewable energy consulting
- Resource availability studies for wood-using industries
- Economic development and planning
- Public speaking/writing - public relations
- Public involvement strategies
- Group advocacy