INRS e-newsletter
Insight, news and resources on forests, renewable energy and forest products industry. Published monthly.
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Some recent articles written by INRS Principals include:
Securing Northeast Forest Carbon Program, Part 1 and Part 2
Green Energy Times, June and August 2022
by Charlie Levesque
A two part series of exclusive Green Energy Times articles on some myths about climate change and the role trees and forests play in mitigating climate change’s effects. | Part 1 | Part 2
It Is Time to Worry About the Loggering Sector (pdf)
The Northern Logger, July 2022
by Eric Kingsley
As is obvious to anyone in the forest industry, loggers and truckers are the link in the supply chain that connects the woods to the mill. For anything to get from the woods to the consumer, the industry relies on loggers and truckers. If loggers aren’t healthy, it’s hard for any other sectors to be healthy for very long. | Download pdf
The Northeast Forest Products Industry Review and Outlook 2022 (pdf)
Northeast Agriculture Insights and Perspectives, March 2022
by Eric Kingsley
The forest industry, from the woods to the mill, continues to be a cornerstone of the Northeast’s rural economy. Some sectors have seen growth, other decline, but the industry remains the interconnected network that supports landowners large and small, loggers and foresters in the woods, and mills that produce a range of products and anchor so many rural communities. | Download pdf
Megatrends Affecting the Forest Products Industry (3 articles) (pdf)
The Northern Logger, January, February and March 2022
by Charlie Levesque
In the forest products industry, we can sometimes be insular and rarely take the time to understand what is going on in the world because most people in the industry are simply too busy with the day to day activities of keeping a logging or forest products manufacturing business running. In this series of three articles we show some key highlights on worldwide trends that, ultimately, can and will affect what the industry is doing in the US. | Download pdf 1 | Download pdf 2 | Download pdf 3
Lumber Prices Are Rising, Log Prices Are Not (pdf)
The Northern Logger, June 2021
by Eric Kingsley
With lumber prices hitting and all-time high, a number of colleagues have asked me to help them understand what’s going on, and who is benefitting. From the data I’ve seen, it is sawmills that are benefitting the most, while loggers and landowners see their market largely unchanged. | Download pdf
Modern Wood Heat (pdf)
The Northern Logger, March 2021
by Charlie Levesque
Modern wood heat is use of wood chips and pellets in high efficiency automated boilers and furnaces to heat buildings. A lot of progress has been made in this arena in the recent decade and there is much opportunity for growth. | Download pdf
An Interview With Eric Kingsley: Industry Trends (pdf)
The Northern Logger, January 2021
by Eileen Townsend
Eric Kingsley is a forest consultant and a frequent contributor to The Northern Logger. We spoke with him in December of 2020 about what he saw in the forest roducts industry in 2020 and what to look toward in the new year. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length. | Download pdf
What's Next for Wood? (pdf)
SPNHF Forest Notes, Autumn 2018
by Eric Kingsley
Opportunities and hallenges Abound for Low- and High-Grade Products. The forest industry is always changing. When this century began, New Hampshire’s two surviving pulp mills in Berlin and Groveton were still operating. Today, those pulp mills are idle, closing its doors in 2006 and 2007, respectively. | Download pdf